Oct '20

When Life Gets Tense Remember These 3 Things
Oct '20

It is really hard not to let circumstances around us in life make us upset.
We feel we aren’t treated fairly or get upset with someone when they make a comment on social media. We see presidential debates, we have disagreements, we have differing views and it can become wearing. We often look at others actions or words and become upset because it’s not what we think or believe. Maybe this is you or maybe not, but I know at times I have struggled with not letting the outside influence my heart and my relationship with God.
Whether it’s something that comes up at work or within family, we are sure to come across unpleasant situations.
It can be in the form of personal attacks or verbal arguments, disagreements with co-workers or friends on social media… you name it. We can easily let these situations start to influence our heart, our relationship with God and those around us.
The Lord has continued to bring three very important reminders to me when I am struggling with these things.
ONE: God calls me to a pure heart
The Lord continues to remind me to keep my heart pure when it comes to matters that tend to make me upset or feel wronged. It doesn’t do any good to focus on someone else’s views or comments when I have no control over it. When we have a pure heart, we draw closer to God. The Bible says in Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for that shall see God.”
TWO: God calls me to prayer
Instead of feeling angry towards another person or situation, I am called to pray for those things. If someone has wronged me, pray. If people don’t see the political world how I see it, pray. Don’t pray for the things I want, but the things God wants to come out of situations or how he wants to work in someone’s life. Matthew 5:44 tells us to Love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
THREE: God calls me to love
The last reminder is to love. Luke 6:27 says “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who persecute you.” First, we have to hear, second is to love and third is do good. Let us come together before God and ask him to help us love those around us. Not the easy to love, but those that need to see the true love of God.
Resist allowing the world’s opinions and pressures influence your heart and relationship with God. Let’s put our trust in God alone – our firm foundation that cannot be shaken. Be encouraged through this song and make it your prayer today.
Ryan Bivins, Worship Leader